Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Leg Swipe


The Swipe is one of the most recognizable power moves in breakdancing. The breaker leans back, whips his arms to one side to touch the ground, and his legs follow closely behind, twisting 360 degrees to land on the ground once again.
procedure:Start standing up. Lean as far back as possible. Now lift your left leg and bring your knee to the middle of your ribcage. Your shin should be parallel to the floor. Now you should be able to lean farther. Try to lean so far that your whole body gets parallel. Now put both arms on your right side. Now whip them back to the left and at the same time sink lower to the floor so that your left hand can touch. But your legs should still be in the same position. As your right hand goes down to the ground your legs should start to swing also. You have to jump as high as possible or else your going to hurt your feet very badly. Now both of your hands are touching the ground and your legs and body are swinging around. Go with the momentum and bring your left hand off at the same speed and time as your legs. Your right foot should hit the ground and then your left arm should swing around in a circular motion and touch the ground.
1.Try to keep the back straight. 
2.When jumping, imagine trying to jump up (weakly) into a handstand. 

They are further divided into:
1.Baby Swipe - Hands are closer together, so the swipe becomes more compact. 
2.Elbow Swipe - Elbows replace the hands. 
3.Forearm Swipe - Forearms replace the hands. 
4.Head Swipe - Head replaces the hands. 
5.Master Swipe - Both hands leave the ground at the same time, and both legs lift simultaneously as well. 
6.Superman Swipe - An exaggerated Swipe that is very open and more powerful-looking. The hands should be placed farther apart. 


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